Azione Global Logistics, with professionals with more than 25 years of experience in customs clearance services, in addition to a global service, provides its clients with tax, operational and administrative surveys in more than 120 countries on all continents. Minimizing investment risks and providing security in operations.

♦ Import

  • Accreditation of importer with Customs offices;
  • Import estimation cost spreadsheet;
  • Tax classification and tariff of the goods;
  • Issuance of import licence;
  • Monitoring of the arrival of the goods;
  • Elaboration and registration of the import Declaration (D.I.);
  • Inspection of the unloading and clearance of goods in primary and secondary areas;
  • Supervision in the withdrawal of cargo in warehouses until loading;
  • Technical advisory, involving the customs legislation.
  • Closing of the exchange.
  • Removal of cargo to dry port;
  • Temporary admission procedures;
  • Processes for importing used machines;
  • Import processes supported by EX tariff.

♦ Export

  • Elaboration of certificate of origin;
  • Making the commercial or Consular invoice;
  • Monitoring the shipment of cargo to the place of embarkation;
  • Preparation of the single export declaration DU-E;
  • Issuance of the presence of cargo (DU-E.) and release with the IRS;
  • Issuance of the bill of lading;
  • Obtaining the DU-E Recorded
  • Payment of OTHC and freight if any;
  • Boarding Follow-up
  • Temporary export processes.